( Kindle edition and Nook edition available!)
When I wrote my first book, The Happy Herbivore Cookbook I felt like I held my breath for a year. I was on pins and needles for months. It was the first time in my life I put all my eggs into one basket. I'd quit my job as a lawyer and I'd moved my family into a tiny (tiny!) New York City apartment so we could get by without my income.
My New York City apartment — where I wrote HHC!
I felt like everything was riding on that book. What if it didn't sell? What if this "career change" bit me in the butt? What if all the sacrifices I made — my family made — ended up not being worth it?
Thankfully, the book sold out :) It also continued to do well (for which I am incredibly thankful), so I was given the opportunity to write another book, Everyday Happy Herbivore .
I was excited to write another book until a friend put a bug in my ear. She'd worked in publishing for a long time and cautioned me (or maybe tried to prepare me?) that a lot of second books flunk.
I've seen enough "part 2" movies to know that's the truth — or 1-hit wonder songs. I didn't want to be a one-hit wonder!! Thus, I spent the next year on pins and needles again, wondering if my second book live up to the first?
Thankfully, you guys loved that book too!
So I walked into my third book, Happy Herbivore Abroad , with more ease. I guess with two books under my belt, and a whole truckload of life experience (both good and bad) in the last few years, I felt like I could survive anything — and that things will be okay no matter what. I think I stopped being scared and started being proud. In the end, it was about the work. It was about climbing the mountain and finishing, even if you are dead last.
Now almost a year later, here I am writing about the release of my fourth book, Happy Herbivore Light & Lean .
This is my most personal book yet. I'm sharing so much of myself--my story, MY journey, in this new book.
Like her sisters, L&L; still embraces my whole foods, no oil, low fat, "everyday" ingredient cooking style (and the recipes are just as fast and easy!) but this time my focus was on making meals that were not just delicious and fuss-free, but crazy filling and without a calorie bomb.
Truthfully, this book was inspired by the meal plans , my labor of love for the past two years. Although the recipes in L&L; are different than the meal plan recipes, I'm using my same approach: more food, less calories.
I'm also celebrating that balance between a healthy body and a healthy mind (and a healthy diet) with L&L.; You'll find workouts and get moving tips in the "lean" section -- any body or fitness level welcome!
So what are you waiting for? Today is the BIG day!
Get your copy if you haven't already. Let's get this book on the NYT list!
Lastly, if you have the book already, pretty please take 30 seconds to leave a short review on Amazon — it would really mean the world to me. Just click here . I read each and every review and take your comments to heart with future books. Amazon reviews also help me climb the mountain to the New York Times bestseller list (my ultimate dream and goal).