Halfway Through HH28! Your Meal Ideas and Successes So Far

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

Well Herbies, we're a little over halfway through HH28 ! I hope you are enjoying the challenge so far and are learning a lot about your eating habits. I have LOVED seeing all of your posts and photos on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram (search for hashtag #HH28 for inspiration!). We also have more than a dozen bloggers participating and sharing their experiences. Today, we're sharing some of your excellent meal ideas and the benefits you've experienced so far!

HH28 participants have been getting creative in the kitchen, preparing simple and colorful delicious-looking meals (many with help from the meal plans or 3-Day Reboot and 10-Day Cleanse & Immersion !). As I always say, when good goes in, glow comes out . You have reported weight loss, improved skin, better sleep, feeling lighter and stronger, and making better choices about food .

HH28 Meal Ideas

"Decided I was too tired  to cook, so I threw romaine, brown rice, black beans, salsa and guacamole in a bowl and call it dinner. Delish." — Michelle N. (via Twitter)

"#HH28 post-workout breakfast muesli from Happy Herbivore Abroad & some cherries . Love the muesli, so creamy, and a breeze to prepare!" — Blair G. (via Facebook)

"This evening, I roasted sweet potatoes, red onion and tomatoes in apple balsamic vinegar. I think I changed the world. " — TreesBeesChickpeas (via Twitter)

"#HH28 — Quinoa and brown rice with broccoli, roasted cauliflower, and white beans — all topped with HH's Cheddar Cheesy Sauce and green onion . Yay dinner!" — Rebecca A. (via Facebook)

"#HH28 Day 9: Choco Banana Oatmeal, Southwest Chop Salad w/ BBQ sauce, Cherry Tofu Yogurt w/ oats, Black Bean & Veggie Fajitas and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies." — Kari L. (via Facebook)

"Decided to make strawberry mousse with silken tofu tonight. The #HH28 challenge is making me quite creative in the kitchen." — Trisarahtops (via Twitter)

"Never before the #HH28 would I be eating Black Bean Soup and Blueberry Salad for lunch!! (And liking it)." — Jessica M. (via Facebook)

" Instant breakfast — flying out the door. Banana!" — Ginnie (via Twitter)

"#HH28 Just wrapping up lunch, had a salad with mache leaves, toasted slivered almonds, strawberries, and topped it off with a homemade dressing made with Dijon mustard. I'll try to take a picture for tomorrow, but couldn't help to get started noshing." — :) Blair G. (via Facebook)

"Inspired by HH, I made 'nachos' tonight using all my yummy toppings on a baked potato . So much better than oily chips." — Michelle N. (via Twitter)

"#HH28 breakfast today was spelt grits porridge with fresh blueberries and a hint of almond butter. :) I'm definitely a breakfast lover!" — Berta O. (via Facebook)

"Heading into Day 3 #HH28. Giant fruit salads at breakfast, roasting some sweet potatoes for lunch , feeling really great." — Dasha L. (via Twitter)

"My mom and I spent a couple of hours prepping food for the Father's Day meal we were going to grill later in the afternoon on Saturday, the majority of which was vegan. We're talking 5 of the 7 dishes were 100% plant-based and non-processed. Finding ways to share this new lifestyle with my fam has been very rewarding! #HH28" — Michelle P. (via Facebook)

"Happy happy found a place at the airport that'd make me a smoothie with fresh fruit and ice — never hurts to ask!" — Julie H. (via Twitter)

"Had class so dinner was a carry along. Grabbed dried apricots, roasted almonds, and bing cherries ." — Karen T. (via Twitter)

" Grilled portobello mushroom, mashed avocado and tomato on wholemeal toast . Plant-strong dinner of champions!" — TreesBeesChickpeas (via Twitter)

"#HH28 — HH's tofu scramble with spinach and chopped grilled zucchini, green bell peppers, and salsa — all over brown rice. And strawberries for dessert. Yay dinner!" — Rebecca A. (via Facebook)

HH28 Success Stories In Progress

"Day 4 of 28 and still going strong. Haven't broken down and ate chips even though I really want to . I'm sure it will only get easier." — Rebekah E. (via Twitter)

"Really enjoying the #HH28 challenge. Finally over the caffeine detox hump , huzzah!" — Trisarahtops (via Twitter)

" The boys asked for veggie and hummus wraps for lunch today — the indoctrination is working! :-)" — Becky P. (via Twitter)

"All day client event with Italian lunch and 10-course Chinese banquet but stuck to my #wholefood #vegan #hh28 pledge! " — Kimberly J. (via Twitter)

"What I'm eating at a wedding right now! Filled my plate with as much color I could find. #HH28" — Allie B. (via Facebook)

"Day 1 of HH28 — 3 airports and I think only 1 slip today — eating whole foods at airports is doable — have to be extra aware of ingredients." — Julie H. (via Twitter)

"Day 2 #HH28; my blood sugar 100 this morning and I didn't take my medication last night! " — Rosa R. (via Facebook)

"Best part about the #HH28 challenge so far; my insomnia is so much better already! In bed by 11 pm, never thought I'd see the day!" — Trisarahtops (via Twitter)

"Officially down -10 pounds today! (2 lbs. during #HH28!) Yay me!" — Brandi B. (via Twitter)

"Thanks for the #HH28! I just resisted ordering a grilled cheese sandwich so I can stick with the challenge. 5/28 going great!" — Debradoodle (via Twitter)

"#HH28 Love this breakfast! Sweet potato with banana, walnuts, cinnamon, maple syrup." — Adrienne L. (via Facebook)

"Ever note how light you feel after eating #WFPBNO? #HH28" — Pragati C. (via Twitter)

"I just realized that we have not been out to eat at all since we started #HH28! This is wonderful! — A Healthy Finish (via Twitter)

"Loving the HH 28-Day Challenge — it has helped me look at my eating habits and see how I can improve them ." — Amber M. (via Twitter)

"After #HH28 week 1 of eating whole vegan foods, my eczema skin condition had improved and no food coma ever! " — Kimberly J. (via Twitter)

" Down 3.2 lbs. at my Weight Watchers meeting on #HH28 Day 10 & NOT hungry . #tastetherealrainbow" — Kari (via Twitter)

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences on the challenge so far! Keep posting with #HH28 on social media and leave comments here telling me how you're doing! Live better.

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