100,000 Books Sold!

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: News

Scott threw me a surprise party (my first ever) to commemorate a goal that had once seemed only a dream.

I came home to find balloons hiding something on the wall and my friends screamin' "surprise!"

-- I was momentarily confused, but then Scott moved the balloons to show me the news:

Thanks to you, I've sold over 100,000 books.

Before my first cookbook came out, I spent many nights on the floor crying -- worried it wouldn't sell.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think when I started blogging that it would turn into one book, then two, soon to be three, with another three on the horizon.

And never, in my wildest of wildest dreams, did I think any of my books would become best sellers. I'd have felt successful if I'd sold 1,000 books so when I first heard I'd sold 20,000 I nearly fainted. What? Is that true?

Then we crept to 40,000. Then 60,000 and I dared to ask -- could I ever reach 100,000. I did.

But I couldn't have done it without you. Your local support. Your word of mouth campaigns. Everything I do, I do for you. And today will always be one of the happiest in my life -- and I owe it all to you.

Scott made me stand by the sign with all our friends:

Jim, my best friend.

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