A Vegan Taste of Scranton

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Travel

Three years in the making... for three years (3!) I've been trying to go to Eden a Vegan Cafe in Scranton, PA. My extended maternal family lives in Scranton, so Scott & I pass through to say hello from time to time. Ever since they opened, however, I've wanted to go, but I was always in Scranton visiting my family on days it wasn't open and the one time I was careful to arrive mid-week, they were closed for renovations!

Needless to say, on this trip to PA, I had dodged determination to make my way there and man, it was worth the wait.

Lindsay standing in front of Eden A Vegan Cafe

We had such an amazing lunch that we went back again for dinner and brought my newly plant-based 13-year-old cousin along (it was very exciting for her to meet other plant-based people and eat in a restaurant where she could order anything off the menu).

vegan chicken wings topped with BBQ sauce

We ordered the BBQ "wings" for an appetizer which reminded me of the vegan wings I used to get at Red Bamboo in NYC.

For lunch, Scott ordered a "chicken" and pepper sandwich with their mashed potatoes (their most popular side, and for good reason. The addition of rosemary is genius) and I went whole hog for the Elvis special, which is their homemade veggie burger with "cheese" and "bacon."

bell pepper and vegan chicken in a bun

For dinner, Scott ordered a BBQ "chicken" sandwich and I shared nachos with my cousin.

The staff was wonderful and friendly and the food, outstanding. They even had a "Lindsay" pizza, which was named after an employee who works there, but this is exactly how I take my pizza so I'm pretending it was named after me.

They also graciously gifted us with three slices of their homemade banana-peanut-chocolate bread!

On our way to Scranton, we also took a slight detour to stop at Vegan Treats and picked up a small mango "cheesecake" for my family to try and share. Vegan Treats is legendary in East Coast vegan circles and if you're ever in the area, stop by -- even if you don't eat, their cakes are works of art.

Scranton: Perhaps not our healthiest destination but exceptionally delicious!

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