Welcome back to the HH online book club! This is the last week for Keep it Simple, Keep it Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health by Alona Pulde and Matthew Lederman.
This Week's Thought Questions:
1. Were you surprised to find out all oils (even olive oil that's marketed as "healthy") are actually bad for you?
2. Carbohydrates have developed a bad rep over the years due to misinformation. Did chapter 12 change your opinion on carbs and starch? For example, were you surprised to learn contrary to conventional wisdom, humans do NOT efficiently convert carbohydrates into fat?
3. Were you surprised to learn that supplements can be harmful? After reading chapter 13 are you going to start taking (or stop taking) certain supplements?
Please leave your comments below or at Goodreads , where you can see and comment on previous week's questions as well.
By request, we are going to post the weekly thought questions in Goodreads only going forward, and do a month end review of the book here on the last Sunday of each month.
For June, we are reading The Starch Solution by John and Mary McDougall. There will be a live tweet chat on Monday, June 4 from 3p-4p EDT with John McDougall and myself, so bring your questions!