Book Blog Tour

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: News

I want to thank everyone for letting me visit their blog on my 'tour' for EHH .

I have loved all the interviews - it has been wonderful and so much fun!


with Roxanne from Eat and Cook These Foods

with Jessica of A Tempeh Tantrum (love this blog name!)

with Erin from CSA Virgin

with Memorie of Memorie's Nutrition Nuggets

with Sue from A Sunny Path

with Lindsay aka the Lean Green Bean (Great name!)

with Ashley, the Unintentional Vegan

with Kim

with Barbara from That was Vegan?

with Kristen of Vanilla Bean Vegan (I'm a fan of vanilla too)

with Dee from the Mommydom Chronicles

at the Rebel Grrl Kitchen

with Heather from Shrink to Fit

with Hailey from Kitchen of Health (the kitchen is where it's at)

with Michelle of No Animals Harmed

with Sarah of See Sarah Eat

with Suzanne Davis of Mind Game Books

with Jonathan from Health Kismet

with Mel from Cupcake Friday Project (mmm cupcakes!)

with Claire from Almost Skinny Vegan Food

with Jill of Simple Daily Recipes

with Cherie from Herbivore Meals

with Joan of A Little Blog About Nothing

with Lacy of Lacy Loves Food (me too!)

with Karla from The Fit Stop of Fitness Magazine

with Sherrie of This WHAM is Getting Healthier

with Veronica from Veggie V

with Sam, the Quantum Vegan

with Michele, the Vegetarian who Hates Tofu (I used to too!)

with Mrs H from Dotal Ancedotes

with Susan from The Budget Smart Girl

with Rachel, the Former Fish Taco Fanatic

and Dr. Cat, the Happy Rehab Doc (a Herbie of the Week!)

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