New Features: Shopping List, Printable Recipes, Menus!

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: News

During Monday's meal planning post , I hinted that a new feature was coming to to help you with meal planning and now it's here! (This was totally not planned, by the way, talk about planets aligning!)

Have you ever wished you could click on a few Happy Herbivore recipes and then a shopping list will print out ? Now you can.

Have you ever wished you could view a recipe full screen -- like it would look in a cookbook? Or print it on a sheet of paper instantly? Now you can.

Have you ever wished someone else could plan your meals for you ? Yep, we have that too! You'll find 5 sample menus on the site plus I'll be releasing a new, seasonal-minded list every Saturday morning for download!

Scott has also created this great tutorial video -- please watch before using the tool.

I hope you all enjoy these new features. We'd love to get your feedbac k, so please leave a comment, like it, +1 it, whatevs!

By the way, I'm also going to be creating a weekly shopping list , available for download every week here on the blog and also on Facebook!

Lindsay & Scott

p.s. here are cute pictures of the pugs for good measure:

Lily Bean


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