Hello from St. Maarten!

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Travel

Just a quick post to let you know that we made it!

This is the view from our front patio where I had breakfast (bananas, oats and coconut milk yogurt) this morning. We're still settling in, but I'll post pictures of the island and our new condo soon.

The flight down was fine. Jet Blue far exceeded our expectations and proved to be a very dog (and vegan!) friendly airline. Here the pugs are at the gate before the flight.

Aside from some initial barking at the engine, Quaid slept like an angel (if I was to bet either dog would misbehave, it would have been Quaid, king of temper tantrums!) Lily Bean, my usually cool, zen and chill pug, however, was the misfit. She whimpered for the first 30 minutes, something we've never heard her do, but I'm inclined to think she was having separation anxiety from her brother.

Sigh, but we're all here...we made it! Yahoo!

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