Topic: Recipe

Whole Wheat, Fat-Free Vegan Pancakes Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

Pancakes. Healthy, Healthy Pancakes.

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If you've never made pancakes before, these aren't the pancakes you want to make on your 'maiden voyage.' Likewise, if you've never had whole wheat pancakes before, you might want to try whole wheat pancakes with oil first. That doesn't mean these pancakes aren't fabulous - because they are, but you definately need to be on your way to a pancake master to get the BEST results.

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By the way, these pancakes are best served and …

Fat-Free Vegan Tuna Salad Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

This mock tuna salad is absolutely delicious and makes for a quick lunch! I looove it! I like to serve it on sprouted whole wheat bread and Scott likes to serve it on toasted whole wheat.

Maple Glazed Tofu & Vegetables Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

The perfect compliment for root vegetables is maple syrup. Watch kids and vegetable haters go for seconds with this magic recipe!


Links from people who have made this dish:Maple Veggies

Hawaiian BBQ: Spicy Teriyaki Chickpeas with Pineapple Salsa Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

This dish is frakkin' AWESOME. I try not to play favorites with my recipes, but this dish just safely landed in mine (and Scott's) top five. Add in the fact that its cheap and easy to make, and, well, that makes it creep up to #1 on some lists. For me, though, the best part is the birth of this dish.


Here in LA all of the Chinese joints have huge "we sell Hawaiian BBQ" signs in their windows. I …

Fat-Free Tofu Scramble Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

This is my basic tofu scramble recipe. It's cooked with no added fats so if you buy lite or low fat tofu, it's almost totally fat free. Leftover vegetables from the night before make a wonderful addition to this meal as does prepared vegetarian meats and mushrooms, or anything you have on hand. I love tofu scramble at breakfast or brunch but I've been known to make it during the week when I want a hot and delicious meal but …


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