Topic: Herbies

Herbie of the Week: Rosemarie (no longer on meds, sleeps through the night, and built a support network) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Rosemarie!

Rosemarie has always had a passion for food and cooking, but the Standard American Diet started affecting her health. She developed high blood pressure and had to start prescription medication. A friend introduced her to the plant-based lifestyle, and she started using the Meal Mentor meal plans. She has since lost 30 pounds and is off her blood pressure meds!

Here's Rosemarie's story in her own words...

At my age, I thought I …

Herbie of the Week: Mallory (Inspired by her grandfather her change still HAD to come from within) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Mallory!

Vegetarian on and off since she was a teen, Mallory watched her grandfather's health transform after he adopted a plant-based diet. Inspired, it still took her several years to apply that knowledge to her own life. Once she adopted a plant-based diet for herself and no longer suffers from IBS or migraines, also, lost 28 lbs!

Read Mallory's story in her own words...

I was a vegetarian – on and off – through …

Herbie of the Week: Tim (Not a candidate for surgery, small changes were his only hope) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Tim!

Tim gave up on himself, then he tried to change one small thing. Then the next day another small step: just 4 more stairs today. Tim's wife was there through thick and thin, literally, and they couldn't be happier now!

Read Tim's story in his own words...

Walking out of the doctor’s office reality had finally sunk in. I was not going to be around for another year. My wife and kids would …

Herbie of the Week: Kim G (Plant based diet ended the yo-yo & high cholesterol) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Kim G!

Kim dropped major points with cholesterol, LDL and HDL levels, and on the scale. She feels fabulous and has kept the weight of for the first time ever!

Read Kim's story in her own words...

I began my plant based journey January of 2013. At first, I only stopped eating meat. I went for several months and didn't feel as great as I thought I would. I even gained 8 pounds, which …

Herbies of the Week: Celia & Marcus (kids made for a busy life, Meal Mentor made life easier) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbies of the Week: Celia & Marcus!

Marriage is a partnership sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. Marcus is down 20lbs thanks to Celia taking the lead and showing the family the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Read Celia & Marcus' story in their own words...

My husband and I are very proud herbies! My mother introduced me to the wonderful Happy Herbivore cookbooks in 2012 while I was on maternity leave. The quick and easy meals …


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