Last Day to Help an Elephant Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: News

A few weeks ago I posted about a Kickstarter project to sell our cute elephant logo, Herbie, as a necklace. The proceeds from the sales are going to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee! In order for the necklaces to be made, we needed to sell 100 of these beautiful, sterling silver pieces.

I'm so touched by the support and generosity, we quickly met our goal and the project was fully funded! Today is the last day to purchase a necklace. …

Juicing with a Blender (How to Make Green Juice with a Blender and Cheese Cloth) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ Video

I love my juicer but I couldn't bring it on the plane with me when I moved to St. Maarten.

Then my friend Kim told me she'd heard you can make green juice with a blender and nut milk cloth... my interested was peaked except, well, we don't have nut milk bags here either...

But when I found a "cheesecloth" at the hardware store for less than $2... I was ready to experiment!

All you need is a blender (even …

The Last Heart Attack Recap & Video Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Misc

The world seems to be buzzing about CNN's documentary, The Last Heart Attack. If you missed it last night, you can watch it online here.

Too busy to watch? Here are the key points & great quotes:

- Plant-based eating shows great promise for turning around our self-made health care crisis. Change your diet, save your life.

- In the United States, the sicker patient with heart disease, the more money the doctors make. Makes no sense!

- …

How to Reduce Salt (video) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ Video

Today is “Less Salt” Day, so I thought I'd prepare a video and quick post with my tips for reducing salt in your diet.

Tips for Cutting Back on Salt:

  1. Instead of turning to salt for flavor, ramp up your spices and herbs.
  2. Spike & Kelp are great alternatives to salt – keep them on your table instead of a salt shaker.
  3. If a (non-baking) recipe calls for salt, omit it. Chances are you won't miss it. If you must …
Minimalist Monday: Removing Toxic People, Unhealthy Relationships Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

I'm looking for less stress and more happiness.That's what led me down this minimalist past. I had this awakening--realization that I'm a happy person by nature. I start my day with a glass full of happiness and it's the outside world that drinks it up. I realized if I want to be happier, I must to protect my glass and it's contents. I have to avoid or remove the stress monsters that are drinking from my glass.

The first …


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